making web application programming easier is possible




For being able to use parameters encoded in UTF-8 have to be added the following filter:

What “we have said” to Tomcat is to filter all the requests before the elaboration and execute the code in the filter. This filter sets up the encoding for the current request. If we do not want to apply the filter to some actions or jsps we have to:
  1. set a more restrictive pattern in url-pattern in tag filter-mapping; the default pattern includes all the urls.
  2. Set the excludeUrls init parameter in tag filter-class. See the javadoc of class CharsetFilter for more informations.


In order to compress the data sent to the browser, the following lines must be added:

The compression filter is not active in the example webapp.


To activate Axis the following lines must be added:

Struts 1.2.9

Here follows the configuration of Struts:

Usually, the requests sent to Struts for being elaborated are those that end in ".do". In order to change this behavior, the value of tag url-pattern must be changed in servlet-mapping.


This is a JFW component and in order to be activated the following lines must be added:

In order to startup the scheduler, if it is not possible to modify the web.xml file, the method start of the class SchedulerStarter can be called.

JFW tag library

This is a JFW component and in order to be activated the following lines must be added:

This is the tag library definition of JFW. For the moment, only the definition of tag generic used by the parser implemented in the class exists. Parser.