authentication process
The authentication process is based
on the database schema you can find at here and the
authentication logic must be implemented in the main project action.
Let's see now the classes offered by the framework for authenticating a user.
For authenticating a user, all you have to do is to use this class as in the next example:
The method
return a not
null UserData object if:
- exist in HttpSession (associated with key USER_DATA_IN_SESSION_KEY)
a UserData object. This is possible only if the user is already authenticated.
- parameters username and password found in HttpServletRequest
and exist in table USERS a user with that credentials.
In this case will be set in the HttpServletResponse object, a cookie with user credentials and also
the UserData object will be added to the session.
Remember that from your actions you can use the method
for getting the UserData object.
- exist the authentication cookie and
contains the credential data (user_id and user_name) of an existing user.
If the return value is
null then:
- or the username/password parameters not found in the request.
- or are not exist in database a user with that data.
You can distinguish the two above cases using the method
This cookie is set in method
when the credentials data found in the request belong to a registered user.
The name of the cookie is
jfw and the value is the
user_id and the
By default, the cookie is valid until the close of the browser: if you want to change this behavior,
you have to set the value of the attribute
com.jfw.authentication. UserData
This object is returned by method
when the credentials data found in the request belong to a registered user.
In this object are saved the credential data of a user. The type of data saved in this object are the same for all
projects based on JFW. The project relative user data is saved in the
UserProfile object.
com.jfw.authentication. UserProfile
In this object are saved the project specific user data. You have to create a class that implements this one.
Normally, after a successfully authentication, a project
specific class/method will be called for retrieving that data (for example from the database or from another system).
Once the
UserProfile object is created you have to add it in
UserData using method
Of course, if your application doesn't need other than the default user data, then you don't have to create and set this object.
com.jfw.authentication. UserDataDB
This class is used for check if the
password found in request
or the
user_name found in the authentication cookie
belongs to a registered user.
Here is an example of use: