You can download the files using the Sourceforge pages
or directly from the "Latest releases" list.
There are three basic types of files:
JAR: there are two jars:
The jfw-core-1.1.3.jar that contains the core classes of the framework.
You must have this jar in order to use the framework.
The jfw-logviewer-1.1.1.jar that contains the classes of the java application/applet you can use to
view the log messages.
Read this if you update an existing installation: since some of the core classes use external parameters for run correctly, you have to verify
if the current you use is compatible with the one of the latest version. You
can get an example of the latest from here
(the last text area at the bottom of the page).
WEBAPP: These are the wars based on Struts 1.x and 2.x, ready to use. There are three types of wars:
for Struts 1.x
for Struts 2.x
for both Struts versions
In all the cases, you'll find in the name of zip file container, the version of Struts. For example,
"" is a war file for Struts 2.x.
JAVADOC: this is the javadoc documentation of the classes. You can read the javadoc
online from here.
You can find in the name of the downloadable files, the type of the file and the vesion.
Let's see some examples:
JAR jfw-core-1.1.3.jar: the core classes. jfw-core: the name (type) of the jar. 1.1.3: the version of the jar. the sources of the previous jar. You'll also get examples of
the configuration files ( and log4j.xml).
WEBAPP a war file ready to be added in the
webapps directory of the application server (ex. Tomcat). w1: the version of the webapp. jfw1.1.1: the version of the jfw-core jar. struts1.3.8: the version of Struts. axis1.3: the version of Axis. the sources of the previous webapp.
You'll get the java sources, the configuration files (ex. and the web files (ex. jsp, images, ecc.). a Netbeans project of the previous
webapp ready to use. Even if you use a different IDE is advisable to start from this file since it
contains all the libraries needed for correctly running the web application.
JAVADOC the javadoc of the core classes. 1.1.3: the version of the relative jfw-core jar. If the javadoc is not relative
to jfw-core, will indicate the name of the jar before the version.