execute a simple sql command
Execute a sql command, like a select, update,
delete, ... , becomes more easy using the class
You can
use this class directly from an action or you can use a 2 or 3 layer
In this example we will use a 2 layer architecture. The first layer is
the action and the second layer the class used for defining the query.
We suppose that we want to execute a select command like this:
The above query will return just one row with one column named "
ONE". The value
of the column "
ONE" is the constant
Here is the code of the class which defines the query:
The class
SearchDB implements the interface
and that means that it has to implement methods
setData and
setData method is used to pass the data needed by
the query. In our example, no data is needed by the query so the
method is
execute method is the one called for executing the
query. The parameter
outputdata will be used as container of
the data returned by the query.
There is
also a
static method: in this method is defined the query to use. We can define more queries in that
method, save them in different attributes and use them in the
execute method based on some criteria, but if it is not necessary,
it is much better to have one class for one query.
Let take a closer look at the code in the
execute method.
For first we create a
instance. As you can see in javadoc of
QueryGateway this
class has more constructors that differ on the setting of the
database resource to use for executing the query. Since in our example,
the default database resource will be used and this is a stand alone
execution (not a transcation) the constructor with no
parameters is used.
Then the method
executeQuery is used for executing the query.
The parameters of the method are the query, the one defined in the
static method, and the parameters to use in the query,
null in this case.
The method
getAllData is used for reading the data returned by the query (the
result set). The
data is saved in the HashMap
outputdata under the key
If, for example, a query return 3 rows, and every row has three columns with names "
TWO" and "
THREE", then using method
getAllData will have this:
It is possible to read the data returned by the query directly. In this case we have to
substitute the line "
queryGateway.getAllData(outputdata);" with
something like this:
When we have finished reading the data, we have to release all the objects
used to execute the query:
In the
close method of
QueryGateway is closed the result set and
prepared statement objects and released the database connection.
Here is the code we have to add in the method
myExecute of an action:
We can view the data, saved in
outputdata by the method
in a jsp using the
logic:iterate tag or using the
mtl:generic tag of JFW: