making web application programming easier is possible


First of all, download a version of the webapp from Download.

Download the project for Netbeans if you want to modify the sources. Even if you use a different IDE, like Eclipse, downloading the Netbeans project would be better than downloading only the sources because you will get all the necessary files and libraries to build the webapp and generate a war file.

In the next pages, we will see in detail how to configure:

    STRUTS 1.x
    This webapp is based on struts 1.x, tiles 1.x and axis 1.3
  1. the web application (web.xml)
  2. struts (struts-config.xml)
  3. validator (validation.xml)
  4. tiles (tiles-defs.xml)
    STRUTS 2.x
    This webapp is based on struts 2.x, tiles 2.x and axis 1.3
  1. the web application (web.xml)
  2. struts (struts.xml)
  3. validator (ActionClass-validation.xml)
  4. tiles (tiles2-defs.xml)
  1. log4j (log4j.xml)
  2. jfw (jfw.properties)
To test the webapp from Netbeans, you can run the file index.html (in directory Web Pages).

Note: there is a webapp example which co-exists with the versions 1.x and 2.x of Struts. This webapp was necessary before the version 1.0.9 of the jfw-core since the administration console was only Struts 1.x compliant. From the version 1.0.9 there are separate jsps and actions for the two versions of Struts so this webapp exist only as example.