Class CleanOldFiles

  extended by com.jfw.scheduler.ScheduleBean
      extended by com.jfw.scheduler.util.CleanOldFiles

public final class CleanOldFiles
extends ScheduleBean

Clean the old files. All the files, independently from the extension, found in a directory and not modified for a period of time will be deleted.
To configure the cleaner the following parameters must be set in the file:

  1. file_cleaner=true -> activate cleaner
  2. file_cleaner_paths=path1,path2,... -> the paths to check
  3. file_name=filename -> delete files containg this string
  4. file_cleaner_age_days=7 -> delete files not used for this amount of days

Also must be set the scheduled object in parameter scheduled_objects. For example, the value of the previous parameter could be:
  1. scheduled_objects=com.jfw.scheduler.util.CleanOldFiles#Daily/00:30#File cleaner

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.jfw.scheduler.ScheduleBean
className, properties
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void start()
          Delete old files.
Methods inherited from class com.jfw.scheduler.ScheduleBean
addError, getAdvance, sendEmail, setAdvance, stop
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CleanOldFiles()
Method Detail


public void start()
           throws java.lang.Throwable
Delete old files.

Specified by:
start in class ScheduleBean