Uses of Interface

Packages that use JFWCommonAction
com.jfw.examples Examples of use of JFW classes. 
com.jfw.status.struts2 JFW administration console actions for Struts 2.x. 
com.jfw.web.struts The classes in this package act as gateway for Struts 1.x classes. 

Uses of JFWCommonAction in com.jfw.examples

Classes in com.jfw.examples that implement JFWCommonAction
 class PrototypeProjectAction

Uses of JFWCommonAction in com.jfw.status.struts2

Classes in com.jfw.status.struts2 that implement JFWCommonAction
 class AdministrationAction
          The main action class for package com.jfw.status.struts2.
 class ExecuteSQLCommandAction
          Execute a sql command.
 class GetLogLevelAction
          Return the level of the log.
 class LogViewerDispatcherAction
          Show the log messages.
 class MenuAction
          Show the home page.
 class ProbeMonitorAction
          Show the probes page.
 class SetLogLevelAction
          Set the log level.
 class ShowConnectionPoolsAction
          Show the connection pools status.
 class ShowDBMetadataAction
          Show the connection pools status.
 class ShowDirAction
          Show the contents of a directory.
 class ShowFileAction
          Show the content of a file.
 class ShowLogAction
          Show the log viewer applet.
 class ShowSchedulerAction
          Show the scheduler page.
 class UpdateAction
          Execute the update and show the result.
 class UpdateListAction
          Show the list of the classes that can be updated.

Uses of JFWCommonAction in com.jfw.web.struts

Classes in com.jfw.web.struts that implement JFWCommonAction
 class JFWAction
          All project actions using Struts 1.x must extend this class.